TV-Show "Ghostlands"

TV-Serien, TV-Shows, TV-Dokumentationen, etc.
EPAS Austria
EPAS Austria
Beiträge: 1207
Registriert: So 6. Jul 2014, 00:16
Wohnort: Wien
Hat sich bedankt: 412 Mal
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TV-Show "Ghostlands"

Beitrag von Markus »

ghostlands.jpg :Why do this? I wanted to show you paranormal investigations where I had control and was not bound by the rules and expectations of television. Where I could choose locations that had never been shown before, ones I wanted to investigate, ones that I thought you would find as fascinating as I have and with a team I had chosen who I could trust. But most of all, I wanted to present you with the evidence, to “let the evidence speak”. The launch video is a short insight into a 2 day investigation at a particularly creepy location on the Channel Islands. It will give you insight into my style of investigating and also how I might handle any evidence…remember, however, evidence is not necessarily proof.
Ghostlands is the macabre, shadow, creepy side of ghost hunting. It is the scientific attempts at investigating, the scepticism, the constant monitoring.
Wer die TV-Show Most Haunted kennt, wird Ciarán O'Keeffe kennen. Er trat dort als der "Skeptiker" auf (welcher er als Parapsychologe auch generell ist). In dieser Serie gibt er jedoch die Vorgaben (Equipment, Durchführung der Investigation, etc.). Das Ganze ist zugegebenerweise nicht besonders "spannend" (z.B. im Vergleich zu "Ghost Adventures"), allerdings auch genau durch diese Herangehensweise eine willkommene (und durchaus auch ernstzunehmende) Abwechslung. Aber seht selbst ...

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
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