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Peggy the Doll

Verfasst: Mi 27. Apr 2016, 07:13
von Markus
peggy3.jpg (Teilauszug des Artikels) :Meet Peggy: On the surface, she looks like your average doll with your standard issue glassy blue eyes and cute Doris Day bob. But Peggy isn't so innocent. She's actually possessed by an impish spirit.
British Paranormal investigator Jayne Harris reported over eighty cases of people having chest pains, nausea, and debilitating headaches after looking at photos or videos of Peggy.
Some even recalled they saw visions of mental institutions combined with intense anxiety and one claimed Peggy gave her a heart attack, according to the Daily Mail.
Harris, who runs an organization called Haunted Dolls, was sent Peggy by her previous owner who claimed the doll was haunting her dreams. "She'd wake feeling hot and shaken," Harris said. "No matter where she moved the doll to in her home, the nightmares persisted. She apparently sought the help of a local priest but two visits later, there was no change."
Harris' crack team along with the highly specialized members of the Haunted Doll's social media group, have deduced that Peggy is possessed by the spirit of a woman born in 1946 in London, who died of a chest-condition—possibly asthma.
The four different psychic mediums who have studied Peggy all say that she is "restless, frustrated, and previously persecuted, possibly with ties to the Holocaust."

Peggy's original owner isn't the only woman who has reported being tormented by the doll.

Harris says that droves of people have come forward with similar accounts ranging from their computer freezing when they looked at Peggy's picture to the room going cold and lightbulbs blowing out whenever they mentioned the doll. :Warning: The Video Of This Creepy Doll Has Harmed Over 80 People In The U.K. !
After Peggy's original owner became convinced that her bouts of chronic sickness were because of the doll, she gave Peggy away to paranormal investigator Jayne Harris.
Haunted Dolls runs a Facebook page where they post pictures of the objects they're currently working with. After Harris posted some pictures of Peggy, viewers began to report some strange phenomena. Not long after the pictures went online, people from all over the world started reporting strange things --- like unexplained headaches or temperature changes in the room --- simply from looking at pictures of Peggy. :Watch at your own risk: Video of 'haunted' doll causes EIGHTY viewers to reportedly suffer chest pains, nausea and crippling headaches !
  • Peggy was given to a paranormal investigator by her terrified former owner
  • The doll is believed to be haunted and trigger migraines and chest pains
  • Peggy is said to have correctly predicted the death of one woman's cat
  • Psychics speculate that she is 'Jewish' and possibly a Holocaust victim
Video footage of a creepy doll has been wreaking havoc on a string of paranormal enthusiasts around the world – reportedly causing one British woman to suffer a heart attack.
Paranormal investigator Jayne Harris, based in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, said she has received an influx of messages from people describing chest pains, nausea and crippling headaches after viewing photos and videos of Peggy, who she believed to be possessed with an evil spirit.
Some reported flashing visions of 'mental institutions and treatment bordering on abuse' and overwhelming feelings of anxiety. Wir hoffen, dass beim Lesen dieses Artikels inzwischen niemand unserer geschätzten Besucher einen Herzinfarkt oder dergleichen erlitten hat (und wir übernehmen keinerlei Haftung jeglicher Art !) ...

Nun ja, dies war natürlich ein wenig sarkastisch gemeint, da die Sache mit "verfluchten" Puppen so eine Sache ist. Viele glauben daran (wie anhand diverser Berichte festzustellen ist), jedoch stellt sich diesbezüglich auch die generelle Frage: Gibt es Flüche überhaupt und wenn ja ... spielt es eine Rolle, um welchen Gegenstand es sich dabei handelt ? Und um noch einen Schritt weiterzugehen: besonders im Bereich des Voodoo wurden ja immer wieder Puppen verwendet, um Flüche auszuführen.

Religion, Aberglaube, Realität ?!? Besonders Puppen haben eine besondere "Faszination" ... siehe z.B. Robert the Doll, Annabelle oder auch Isla de las Munecas - The Island of the Dolls.

Video: TV-Show "Deadly Possessions" (Episode 3: Peggy the Doll and John Murrells Thumb)
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