dailymail.co.uk hat geschrieben:Empty beds, abandoned wheelchairs and walls covered in a mysterious code - inside the abandoned lunatic asylum dubbed 'the place of no return'.
Ospedale Psichiatrico di Volterra, a former psychiatric hospital in Tuscany, Italy, was once home to more than 6,000 mental patients.
It was shut down in 1978 after its practices were deemed cruel.
The hospital was called 'the place of no return' because patients sent to be cured there supposedly never returned home.
The walls of the hospital courtyard are still covered in the carvings of a patient who was locked inside for more than a decade.
atlasobscura.com hat geschrieben:This real life asylum of horrors is now an abandoned ruin that hides the unbreakable code to one patient's insanity.
Looking like something straight out of a horror movie, Italy's Ospedale Psichiatrico di Volterra is the crumbling husk of a mental institution that was closed due to cruel treatment of its patients. One of whom left a mysterious code etched into the plaster.
Originally built in 1887, the now derelict institution operated for over 70 years of questionable treatment before being shut down in 1978 after a law was passed that forced such establishments to treat their charges more humanely.
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Artikel auf dailymail.co.uk
Artikel auf atlasobscura.com
Artikel auf Wikipedia (italienisch) - (Übersetzt per Google Translator)