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TV-Show "Expedition X"

Verfasst: So 1. Mär 2020, 14:14
von Markus
MV5BMWYyZDljMTAtMmYwNC00ZDg3LWI0OTEtNmZmNGYxMTc4YmQ1XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTI0MDY5NzI@._V1_UY1200_CR110,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg :In Expedition X, Josh Gates joined by scientist Phil Torres and paranormal researcher Jessica Chobot to investigate reports of supernatural encounters, mysterious creatures, and astonishing extraterrestrial phenomena. Whether trekking through the remote jungles of Cambodia in search of a legendary ape-man or exploring the secrets of the world's largest cave system right here in the United States, the Expedition X team is taking viewers to the stranger side of the unknown.
Für alle Interessierten hier die Folge "Expedition X - Terror on Doll Island" (S01E03) mit Gast Jason Hawes:
Und die zugehörige Folge "Expedition Unknown - After the Hunt: Uncovering Humanity":

Interner Artikel zur TV-Show "Expedition Unknown (Expedition ins Unbekannte)"
Interner Artikel zur TV-Show "Ghost Hunters"
Interner Artikel zu Isla de las Munecas - The Island of the Dolls

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