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Sage Paranormal UK

Verfasst: Sa 12. Jan 2019, 16:10
von Markus
Auf Higgypop bin ich über diesen Artikel gestolpert: "Britain's Female Ghostbusters Whirlwind Week In The Spotlight". :It's been quite a week for a group who've been dubbed "Britain's female ghostbusters". Although fairly well known in the UK's paranormal scene, few would have heard of these seven female paranormal buffs, but after a crazy rollercoaster ride of a week, they've been given their moment in the spotlight.
The feature, just shy of 2,000 words, is based around the amazing revelation that there are an incredible 12,000 paranormal investigators working professionally in the UK alone and a high percentage of these are female.
The article on the newspaper's website was shared online throughout the week and within days the ladies had been invited to appear on ITV's 'Good Morning Britain'.
Interessant finde ich in obigem Zitat die Aussage, dass es in Großbritannien 12.000 professionelle, paranormale Ermittler gibt. Eine interessante Zahl ... vor Allem im Vergleich zu Deutschland oder Österreich (wobei hier die Frage ist, was mit "professionell" gemeint ist). Weniger beeindruckend finde ich die Aussage, dass ein großer Prozentanteil davon Frauen sind. Bitte nicht falsch verstehen: Ich meine das positiv, denn dies war eigentlich immer schon so; egal in welchen Ländern oder ob paranormale Gruppen, TV-Shows, etc.. :On the show Gemma, who's been an investigator for 16 years, explained why she thinks women are dominating the paranormal investigation field. She said, "women are strong-minded, we're independent, we work hard" and said that women are more sensitive and in-tune to paranormal energies. Hazel, who believes but has not yet seen a ghost, runs the paranormal events company, Haunted Happenings. She said, "I think women are more empathic, they've got a more empathic approach than men."
MJ, who runs the UK paranormal convention, Sage Paracon, said that her job is to prove that there isn't anything there and says that most reports of hauntings can be explained by science. She told hosts Ben and Kate, "it's looking at things like the electromagnetic fields, looking at different light spectrums, looking at whether or not [...] if someone's taken a photo if it's pareidolia because your brain is trained to find faces in patterns and things."
Was speziell diese Gruppe betrifft, finde ich die Zusammensetzung sehr interessant und die Ansichten bzw. Einstellungen der jeweiligen Mitglieder bez. dem Paranormalen.
Hier ein Zitat von deren Webseite über MJ Dickson 8-) : :Since forming Sage Paranormal in 2011, MJ has investigated numerous locations worldwide. Due to her professionalism, and the level of evidence she was able to document, MJ is recognized as one of the UK’s most well-known and well-respected paranormal researchers.
Don’t let her diminutive stature fool you, Dickson is known to have “balls of steel” running towards all manner of the unexplained.
Hier das Interview auf "Good Morning Britain": ... Auf dem YT-Kanal gibt es (bislang) nur dieses eine Investigationsvideo: Sage Paranormal Evidence: The Explosion Museum Of Naval Firepower Offizielle Website
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