Sallie House
Verfasst: Di 13. Feb 2018, 15:00
Sallie und der restliche Spuk
Die Geschichte des Sallie (Sean Foster) :Among the most notorious haunted houses in the world is the Sallie House located at 508 N. Second Street. A lot of people in Atchison, Kansas believe that the Sallie house contains evil spirits, while others believe that the entities within are simply lost souls seeking help.
Despite people's opinions about the matter, the Sallie House has become one of the most important attractions of Atchison, Kansas and has been the subject of many TV documentaries.
This simple 19th century house originally got its name due to the haunting of a little girl, who was later given the name "Sallie." The couple who owned the house believed that the little girl was trying to warn them about the evil spirits which dwelt within the house.
Due to the numerous sightings of the little girl, the haunted house became known to both local residents and investigators as "the Sallie House." Over the years however, the house began to exhibit other hauntings besides that of the little girl.
These hauntings lead observers to conclude that other entities may be inhabiting the house or perhaps some other force was at work within the area.
People have always wondered about the entities which inhabit this house. Are they simple ghostly visitors, or are they lost souls trapped within the house? Were they looking for help or were they just malevolent entities that seek to do harm on the house's human occupants. (Sean Foster) :The House that will later be known as The Sallie House was first built in 1867. The land on which it was built on was purchased by one Michael C. Finney, who moved in with his family to start a new life. Finney had a wife, two sons and daughter, and the house remained in the possession of the family until the death of Agnes and Charles Finney, both of whom were Finney's descendants, in 1939 and 1947 respectively.
When the Agnes and Charles died, the house was rented out to various boarders. However, people never stayed long in the house and for whatever reason, there were few records on the people who stayed there.
The only person who seemed to tolerate the house's peculiar characteristics was one Ethel Anderson, who lived in the house until the early 90's. After Ethel Anderson, Tony and Debra Pickman moved into the Finney home, that's when the Sallie House's notorious reputation began to become quite popular.
Aside from Sallie appearing to Tony and Debra, numerous attacks were also carried out on anyone who lived inside the house or investigate its mysteries. Tony Pickman, for example, sustained several injuries back when he and his family owned the house in the early 90's, while investigators who visited the house reported sustaining minor injuries, such cuts and burns, during their stay.
What's most disturbing however, is the fact that investigators of house have endured cuts and burns while gathering paranormal data from the house.
Although such attacks are usually directed at certain groups of people, it has lead a lot of people to believe in the hostile nature of house and the possibility of demonic presence within its walls. In addition to the attacks, visitors and witnesses also reported full bodied apparitions, flying objects, phantom furniture, sounds of strange animals, human voices and mysterious items appearing and disappearing at random points throughout the house. In addition to witness accounts, a surprisingly large amount of Electronic Voice Phenomenon was also recorded of strange voices from men, women and children, not to mention strange smells emanating from various areas around the house.
Essentielle Verwirrungen ...Es gibt Unmengen an Berichten, Artikeln, Videos, etc. zum Sallie Haus, jedoch selbst die essentiellste Frage konnte bislang nicht beantwortet werden: Warum "Sallie" und wer war sie ? Die einzige (!) Theorie bezieht sich auf Sallie Isabel Hall, deren Name jedoch nur bei einer (nicht weiter bekannten) Investigation aufgetaucht ist. Desweiteren war (die real existierende) Sallie Isabel Hall eine Afro-Amerikanerin (im Gegensatz zu dem von Tony Pickman gezeichneten Mädchen) und hatte keinerlei Beziehung zu dem Haus (siehe hier).
Die Namensgebung
Lt. diversen Berichten wurde das Haus vor Allem von einem kleinen Mädchen heimgesucht und durch Vermischung dieser Berichte und dem Auftauchen des Namens "Sallie" (bei der oben erwähnten Investigation) wurde dann daraus das "Sallie House".
Der Spuk und so ...
Wenn man den diversen Berichten, Artikeln, Videos, etc. Glauben schenkt, dann kann man sicherlich davon ausgehen, dass es in diesem Haus sehr wohl spukt. Ob dies nun "Sallie" ist, jemand anderes, evtl. mehrere oder sogar ein Dämon (wie manchmal auch behauptet wird), sei mal dahingestellt. Wer sich damit näher befassen möchte, braucht nur Google zu bemühen (weshalb wir in diesem Beitrag "nur" eine Einstiegshilfe zu diesem Thema bieten, da das Ganze sonst den Rahmen sprengen würde). Ausserdem sollte sich jeder seine eigene Meinung dazu bilden ...
Offizielle Website
Artikel "Secrets of the Sallie House" von Sean Foster auf
Artikel zu "Sightings: Heartland Ghost" auf
Interner Artikel BuzzFeed Unsolved Supernatural (S01E03)