Savannah zählt (lt. diversen Medien, etc.) zu den am Meisten von Geistern heimgesuchten Orten der USA. Es gibt diesbezüglich etliche Berichte, Videos und Webseiten (siehe einige davon ganz unten in diesem Beitrag). Im Prinzip soll es quasi in fast jedem Gebäude oder Örtlichkeit Geistererscheinungen geben ...
Aber wie eigentlich bei allen paranormalen Berichten ist auch hier ein gewisses Maß an Skepsis angebracht und jeder muss sich diesbezüglich seine eigene Meinung bilden (ein gutes Beispiel dazu ist das nachfolgende Phänomen des "Savannah Cemetery Ghost").
- Colonial Park Cemetery :Colonial Park Cemetery is considered one of the most haunted locations in all of Savannah. Some of the local paranormal enthusiasts even go as far as calling Colonial Park Cemetery ‘ Paranormal Central’. Colonial Park Cemetery opened in 1750. It is the oldest burial ground in Savannah which can still be identified by your average tourist. There are a few burial grounds which were used prior to 1750. They have all been covered up, built on top of or paved over. One of the oldest, if not the oldest is at the south west corner of Wright Square. Within the 6 acres of ground which make up Colonial Park Cemetery there are over 10,000 people buried, however, there are not even 1,000 grave markers. Many people were buried in mass graves. Others had their grave marker knocked over or destroyed. Many people believe this willful desecration of burial grounds helps to fuel the haunted activity which is attributed to Colonial Park :Colonial Park Cemetery was established in 1750. Haunted stories abound regarding Colonial Park Cemetery. According to Savannah tour guide and author Tobias McGriff: “Besides being an anchor location for Savannah's early haunted history, Colonial Park Cemetery is where the infamous Jesse Greathouse video was filmed in 2008. That video has become one of the most compelling and controversial pieces of evidence for life after death currently available.” Savannah tour guide Chris Allen of Haunted Savannah Tours states that "you can almost hear the whispers of the inhabitants, each with a unique story to tell."Hier eine kurze Dokumentation von Fox über das oben im Zitat erwähnte Video zu dem "Savannah Cemetery Ghost" von Jesse Greathouse (inkl. "Experten"-Meinungen): Und hier ein Video von einer Gruppe namens Scifake, welche hierbei "Fakten" bzw. "Beweise" aufzeigen, dass es sich dabei nicht um einen Geist handelt:
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