Ein sehr interessantes Point and Click-Adventuregame, in dem man als neues Mitglied eines fiktiven Ghosthunterteams das (ebenso) fiktive Harwood House untersucht. Verwendet werden dabei reale Geräte wie z.B. Wärmebildkameras, K2 Meters, Nachtsichtkameras und Audioaufnahmegeräte für EVPs. Mit im "Spiel" sind u.a. auch Zenerkarten und das berühmte "Crying Boy"-Gemälde. Das Game ist ziemlich realistisch, was das "Ghosthunting" betrifft, sowohl was die Verwendung der Geräte betrifft als auch, dass man hie und da nur mal herumsitzt und beobachtet bzw. wartet. Wie im echten Lebenstore.steampowered.com hat geschrieben:Join the all-night ghost vigil at Harwood House. As part of the 'OPG' paranormal investigation team, explore the haunted buildings and investigate sightings of ghosts, long reported around the area of Wolfenden. Grab the ghost hunting gadgets and solve the mystery surrounding this abandoned building.
Welcome to Ghost Vigil
The aim is to prove the existence of 'ghosts' through paranormal experiments. The venue is Harwood House, boasting a disturbing history, waiting to be experienced, by you. We, The Oxford Paranormal Group, believe the building is haunted, not by a single unknown entity, but several. The O.P.G have placed several remote live cameras and experiments throughout the building.
Your Role:
You are new to the OPG, the Oxford Paranormal Group, but have to face your first 'all night vigil' at Harwood House. Your investigation will begin in the Attic, as your designated 'closed door experiment', before exploring the remains of the abandoned Harwood House and the Shangri La children's home.
In addition to exploring your designated investigation area, there are also ghost cams available to see other parts of the venue, as well as interactions with your fellow OPG members via messages and walkie talkie.
Your mission is to monitor the equipment and paranormal experiments. Things start off okay, with potential activity; orbs, flashes, temperature drops... until midnight, when things become deeply ‘unexplainable’. Who haunts Harwood House?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cOSnEtAYoY&feature=emb_logo Dark Fall: Ghost Vigil (Gameplay deutsch kommentiert von Bruugar): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOH94fIebAU&list=PLTCVTWeRw77Lm7WZeVRdjkR4M5rkkkR3U Offizielle Website
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