Castle of Good Hope

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Castle of Good Hope

Beitrag von Markus »

(© Vincent Steenberg)
(© Vincent Steenberg)
(© Vincent Steenberg)
(© Vincent Steenberg)
Sketch of Castle of Good Hope in 1680
Sketch of Castle of Good Hope in 1680
Wikipedia :Das Castle of Good Hope (afrikaans Kasteel die Goeie Hoop, deutsch ‚Burg der guten Hoffnung‘) ist eine Festung in Kapstadt, Südafrika. Sie wurde in den Jahren 1666 bis 1679 errichtet und ist das älteste von Europäern entworfene, noch im Original erhaltene Gebäude in Südafrika. :Das "Castle of Good Hope" ist das älteste bestehende Gebäude in Südafrika und wurde von etwa 300 Matrosen in nur einem Jahr erbaut.
Die fünfeckige heutige Befestigung war einst aus Erde und Holz von Commander Jan van Riebeeck im Jahre 1652 gebaut worden. Gedacht war sie als Versorgungsstation am Kap der Guten Hoffnung für die Holländisch-Ostindische Handelskompanie.
Der Standort bot sicherlich keinen sehr guten Schutz, doch es fanden keine Angriffe auf das Castle statt, so dass dessen Wehrhaftigkeit nie wirklich getestet wurde.
1936 wurde das Schloß zum Nationaldenkmal erklärt.
Eine kurzes Video ("The Castle of Good Hope Cape Town South Africa") von Hier noch ein Video ("Castle Good Hope Tour. Cape Town South Africa") von Travel Binge:
Ein Schloss (Castle) in Südafrika ... erbaut im 17ten Jahrhundert mit einer sehr interessanten und auch etwas seltsamen Geschichte. Es wurde als Versorgungsstation für die Holländisch-Ostindische Handelskompanie errichtet, wobei der Standort als (u.A. auch) Verteidigungsbastion ziemlich schlecht gewählt wurde. Aber zum Glück fand nie ein Angriff statt ...

Überraschenderweise gibt es ziemlich viele Berichte über diese Location (was ich persönlich nicht erwartet habe), wobei sich die Meisten eher auf die Geschichte beziehen. Aber es gibt auch einiges Paranormales zu entdecken (was ich persönlich noch weniger erwartet habe) ... :The first ghost noted at the castle was seen in 1915. This tall figure—a gentleman-- was seen on the castle’s battlements. The same figure was seen for two short weeks again in 1947.
It is said this ghost glowed and was seen leaping off one of the castle’s walls. He was then seen walking between the Leerdam and Oranje bastions. One witness reported seeing this figure leaning over a parapet peering down on Darling Street.
Phantom footsteps have been heard along the battlements over the years.
The old bell tower that overlooks the castle is also haunted. In the 1700s a soldier was found hanging from a bell rope. After his death this bell tower was sealed off. But witnesses since state they have heard one of the bells ringing at random times. Some feel this haunting might be connected to the male ghost seen on the castle’s battlements.
Another famous ghost seen at the castle is known as the Lady in Grey. During an excavation a female skeleton was unearthed at the old sally gates. It is believed these remains are connected to this ghost. The Lady in Grey is seen holding her hands and crying hysterically as she runs through the castle. ... :One of South Africa’s oldest colonial buildings, the Castle of Good Hope was constructed in the 17th century. Originally built to help replenish ships sailing through the Cape and protect local settlers, it was converted into a prison during the Second Boer War between 1899 and 1902. The castle is now home to several spirit residents – many who have been tortured and executed on its grounds.
If you love to bump into spooks, you might just meet one of the Castle of Good Hope ghosts when you visit.
Hier eine Liste bez. paranormale Phänomene aus dem Artikel "The Castle of Good Hope Ghosts" (von
  • The Cursed Governor
    A former governor in the 1720’s, Pieter Gysbert Van Noodt was famous for his cruel punishments for soldiers who dared to disobey him. Today, the ghost of Van Noodt has been heard cursing under his breath while walking around the castle grounds.
  • The First Lady
    Lady Anne Barne is another regular spirit who lived in the castle as its First Lady in the late 18th century.
  • The Ghost of The Bell
    A soldier who committed suicide by hanging himself on the bell-rope can still be heard today. Even though the Bell Tower has been walled up since the soldiers’ death, the bell can still be heard ringing by itself.
  • The Lady in Grey
    Not to be confused with Lady Anne, the other womanly spirit who haunts the castle is connected with a skeleton found near one of the castle’s old gates. First spotted in 1860 by a young woman, the Lady in Grey was dressed in a long grey cloak and was often found crying while covering her face. Recognized by her grey hood, this spectre was seen by several people in 1947 including the royal family member, Princess Margaret. The Lady in Grey has not been seen since her bones were found, may her spirit rest in peace.
  • The black Dog
    Don’t be alarmed if you come across a large, dark hound in the castle grounds. The ghost of the black dog is all bark and no bite, and has been known to leap at visitors before disappearing just inches away.
  • Other Hauntings
    Visitors can hear voices and footsteps along narrow corridors and the windowless dungeon that used to be a torture chamber. Also known as the ‘Donker Gat’ or dark hole, prisoners chained to the dungeon walls were at the mercy of sea. Strong waves would lap up and flood the dungeons, drowning them in seconds. You can imagine their angry spirits still haunting the castle as they were left with no chances of survival. Convicts, rebellious natives and escaped slaves were regularly executed within the castle grounds – adding to the spirit community. A ghostly couple is often seen quarrelling in the front courtyard just beyond the gate, although they vanish from sight when anyone approaches. The lights in the Buren bastion are often switched on and off, no doubt by the ghosts who want to make their presence known.
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